Sunday 22 March 2009


So at about 7pm we shuffled into the PS section of the library with the most tentative motions possible, sensitive and scholarly. On the way in, we passed this on the stairwell:


Girl who shouldn't be in library on phone: Hiya
[Suppressed anger evident in pout]
Little does he know man on end of phone presumably says: Hiya
Girl who shouldn't be in library on phone: Yes, yes, so how did you find last night?
[Twirls a curl around a little finger and smiles sarcastically]
Little does he know man on end of phone presumably says: Oh you know, good.
Girl who shouldn't be in library on phone: Don't you remember? We had this sort of argument.
[Deceptive, lighthearted snort]


And at 8pm we exited PS section, and there she was. With advancements.


Girl who shouldn't be in library on phone: But Danny this is the fucking problem, you just don't care do you? I have been thinking about this all fucking day and, well, you always do this. And then I wouldn't mind if it wasn't for what other people thought. What do you think they think Danny? When you treat me like shit. Like SHIT.
Knows a bit more man on end of phone presumably says: Arrgooyaaaerrrr. Um.
Girl who shouldn't be in library on phone: Yeah well I suppose I'm going to go now. But this conversation isn't OVER Danny.
[Crosses legs, gets comfortable]


Nice to have a little domestic on a Sunday. In a ruddy library.

Consette x

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