Friday, 27 February 2009

Cowpat Cookies

They have been christened Cowpat Cookies. When I get access to the necessary cables I shall be uploading the pictures in all their steamy glory. She was inspired by emotional Mat with one T winning Masterchef last night and has upped the ante in the kitchen; today saw the birth of The Biggest Biscuits in Existence (caesarean section) and pollo con pomodoro in tecia (chicken and tomatoes). Granny politely ate the entirety.

Home is good. The idiot is being most productive. Very little work has been achieved. She has, however, gone on 2 dog walks, made and consumed alot of food, and scrubbed a mystery brown smudge off the carpet at the top of the stairs. Oh, and scrawled a terrible poem onto some tracing paper. The poetry has stalled somewhat since last term. She needs a love interest, possibly, like that Fiennes chap in Shakespeare in Love...or she could just appropriate some of my ditties on chunky blonde.

So I know a chunky blonde,
A blonde of whom I'm fond,
With hair like custard,
(But breath like mustard),
And an expression perpetually monged.

Consette x

1 comment:

  1. What kind of cable do you need? I have a selection. Or had you just left the right one in Norch?
